Wednesday, February 25, 2009

#12 (week 5) Summarise my thoughts

Wow, finally I complete this program. I’m sure that I have learned how to use some new Web2.0 tools from this exciting experience. Indeed, it’s a bit time consuming, but mostly worthy to do it. We live in a digital era and computer and internet play vital roles in our daily work and lives. Particularly, in order to provide better information service for library users, as library staff members, we must keep on learning new digital skills to catch up with others. So that playing with these new tools, not only because they are quite fun, but can be useful and helpful. Thank you very much for the great efforts that all the program team members put on this program. Hoping see you again in future.

1 comment:

ACL web 2.1 said...

Congrats on taking to complete the programme, don't forget that this is aimed at you showing customers these sites if you think it is helpful. A certificate is on its way and you are now in the draw for those cool prizes